Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The physical environment

The physical environment can be divided into four major components. These components are:
-Landforms and rocks
-Rivers, lakes and oceans
-Weather and climate
-Natural vegetation

An important and interesting concept in Geography is that everything is closely interrelated. These four components of the physical environment are also closely interrelated.As we study the physical environment,we will discover that the components do not exist on their own. Insread, they interact and affect one another. For instance, the amount of rain received in a plce affects the amount and type of natural vegetation growing there. Some types of plants grow better in a place that receives a lot of rain while other types of plants grow better in places that receives very little rain.

There are also different types of landforms. These types of landforms include:

A mountain is an area of high ground, more than 600 metres high. It often has steep slopes and a narrow peak or top.

A hill is an area of high ground, similar to that of mountains, but unlike mountains are less than 600 metres high It is usually rounded in shape and has gentle slopes.

A valley is a low area of land typically found betreen hills or mountains.

A plain is a broad, flat and low area on the Earth's surface.

A plateau is generally a raised area of land with a flat and braod top and steep slopes.

Cherie And Nicole :)


At April 27, 2011 at 6:33 AM , Blogger Vinitha J said...

Keep up the good work girls, good diagrams!!! Those viewing these take a good look at all their photos and try to describe the characteristics of the landforms.

- Ms J

At April 18, 2017 at 11:06 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

No reference on photos


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