Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The resultant effect of volcanic eruptions

Explosive volcanic eruptions can pose both short–term and long-term effects and hazards. Lava flows can eradicate the flanks of mountainsides. Volcanic ash can cover huge amounts of land and ash clouds can disrupt air travel.
If the ash and mud from a volcanic eruption mix with rain water, it will turn rain into acid rain. If the ash mixes with rainwater or melting snow, fast moving mudflows are created. These mudflows are called lahars.
Lava flows and lahars can destroy settlements and clear areas of woodland or agriculture. The ash will also affect the atmospheric air and turn it into poisonous air, and will therefore be harmful to people’s health.
There are two ways which volcanic eruption can affect a country’s monetary development. One is the positive way, the other the negative. The positive way is that the lava and ash deposited during an eruption breaks down into sediments to provide valuable nutrients for soil. This creates very fertile soil which is good for agriculture, raising output and productivity. Farmers will be able to grow better quality crops and sell them. This will raise the country’s Gross Domestic Profit (GDP) per capita (per person), raising the country’s Human Development Index (HDI) value of the country.
GDP= The gross profit of the country
HDI= The development of the country
The negative way is that the ash or lava from the volcano will cover the farmer’s crops and the crops will die, lowering the country’s GDP per capita and reducing the HDI value of the country.
Not only are there negative impacts on the environment, there are also positive impacts. The dramatic scenery caused by volcanic eruptions attracts tourists. This brings income to an area.
The high level of heat and activity inside the Earth, close to a volcano, can provide opportunities for generating geothermal heat.

Cherie and Nicole
1.2 :)


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